Ceremonial Cacao is a master plant that opens our heart chakra bringing us closer to unconditional love. It invites us to connect with ourselves, to expand our awareness and capacity for focus and creativity.

In this ceremony, we drink pure Cacao, as the ancient Mayans took it, without being genetically modified, without defatting, or processing. The one I use in my ceremonies is brought from Peru and chosen for the purity of its vibration.

After drinking it, the blood circulation increases by 40%, and the body begins to produce hormones such as oxytocin and anandamide (whose name is given by the Sanskrit word “Ananda”, which means carrier of peace, inner happiness).

The Cacao used in a ceremonial and therapeutic way is a great tool to deepen the personal work that each one is willing to do.

Cacao has a gentle and at the same time very deep way of working with emotions and consciousness, its expansive effects put us in touch with a sense of openness in which we can see more clearly the issues on which we have to work, opens the doors for us to come into contact with our personal wisdom and the teacher that each one of us carries within, showing us the multiple possibilities that we have to create, flow and share.

In the ceremony, we make a trip into our being, where our wisdom resides. That is why, for the Mayans, cacao not only opens the door to the heart but also the door to greater awareness. For when we connect with the Love that resides in us, we enter into harmony with nature and the Universe. It is a pathway that helps us open the body and mind to experience the soul.

Who is the Cocao Ceremony for?

Anyone who wants to experience and enjoy the benefits of this medicinal plant.

To those people who want to liberate the body through movement and breathing.

It is not necessary to have previous knowledge neither in dance nor in meditation. This ceremony is open to anyone who needs to reconnect with their centre (heart chakra), their root (base chakra) and enhance their creativity.

This ceremony is perfect for all those who wish to accelerate and activate their evolution, release what no longer serves them, activate the stagnant and heal it, increase vibrational energy and for all people who wish to stimulate the heart to heal it and expand it in loving vibration

For those of you who would like to share a Cacao ceremony the Mesoamerican way. Your Cacao ceremony facilitators are from Perú and Argentina trained by a Mexican Cacao Ceremony Master.

Some indications:

Bring a bottle of water to drink while drinking the cocao (large bottle if possible, minimum of 1/2 litre).

Contact MMW (EN) (#5)