Although massages are supposed to be about relaxation, many people don’t know massage etiquette and find themselves anxiously wondering about how to conduct themselves during their treatment. Should you shave your legs? Should you chat with the massage therapist? Just how naked are you supposed to be?

To deliver some pre-massage peace of mind, I share with you this article about the dos and don’ts of massage etiquette.

DO DRESS TO YOUR COMFORT LEVEL – In many countries it is common practice to be
naked for your massage, and sheets are used to keep your dignity. However, some
people usually prefer to keep a little more material on.

If you prefer a more traditional style massage and remove most/all your clothes, we can use sheets to cover you and just expose the area to be worked on for skin-to-skin massage. Either way, it doesn’t matter how dressed or undressed you are, we are trained in different types of massage, and can adapt to whatever suits you.

So please dress up, or down to whatever you are happy with, and let us know how you would like your massage before we start.

DO NOT BE BODY CONSCIOUS – We are professional therapies and medicine women that understand that bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and while giving a treatment we visualise the body on an anatomical level. We are not bothered what the outside looks like, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, we do not notice or care if you think you have bingo wings, muffin tops or moobs! As the owner of your body, you should be grateful, imperfections and all, that it has functioned so well as to bring you to our massage table, and while your there we will do our best to make you feel at ease and comfortable, and once the massage treatment has started, you will forget all about your body worries.

DO NOT WORRY ABOUT BODY HAIR – Hairy legs, armpits, chests, backs… we don’t care. Don’t feel embarrassed if you haven’t had the time or forgotten to de-hair before your appointment, or you have your winter fuzz on. Even if you do go to the effort of hair removal before an appointment, many people can shave in the morning and have stubble by the afternoon and a massage can cause irritation so soon after shaving. So, we do appreciate the effort, but please do not feel obliged.

DO NOT MAKE AN EFFORT – Makeup will get smudged, the fake tan will stain the linen and towels, hair will get messed up and greasy, jewellery will get in the way, and strong perfume can be overpowering in a small room, and although every client gets a completely fresh set of linen and towels, the smell of perfume does tend to linger in the treatment room after you have gone, which can be off-putting for the next client. So, to avoid nose offending anyone, best to leave the scent to just a light bit of deodorant.

DO NOT BE AFRAID TO NOD OFF – A good massage does have a very powerful relaxing effect and many clients do end up dozing off during their treatment, and that is fine. It is your body letting you have that bit of well-deserved rest it is probably craving. Don’t worry about missing out on the enjoyment of a massage while in slumberland, the advantage is that your muscles will be totally relaxed, allowing your therapist to really work into the muscles for maximum benefit

DO SHOWER – We have many clients coming to have a sports massage straight from a workout or training session, and we do not mind if you arrive on the table sweaty, however, personal hygiene is much appreciated by all massage therapists! As a rule, new sweat is no problem, old stale sweat is stinky. So, take a shower the morning before your massage and we’ll be friends.

DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK – Whether you want firmer or lighter pressure, you are too hot or too cold, you are uncomfortable in the way you are lying, you do not like a particular technique, or you need to go to the loo halfway through your massage… the treatment is all about you, and our number one priority is your comfort and getting the absolute perfect treatment for you. So, do speak up, and do not feel you are being rude by doing so. We will not think you are a nuisance if you speak up once, twice, or even a thousand times during your treatment.

DO SILENCE IF YOU WANT TO – Some people like to chat all through their treatment, and that is fine. But please do not feel you have to talk to fill the silence. We allow the client to lead the conversation and will engage if we are talked to, however, many people like to just enjoy the massage without conversation and listen to our soothing music to help relaxation. A good massage takes energy and concentration on the therapist’s part, so do not feel bad if you do not talk for an hour, we are quite happy focusing on the work we are doing on your muscles.

DO NOT EAT TOO MUCH BEFORE YOUR MASSAGE – Just like swimming, it is best to wait an hour after eating before you have a massage. Massage has a great effect on getting the digestive system working, and to put it simply… It may save you the embarrassment of passing gas during your treatment. But that said, if you accidentally let one slip, it is completely natural and normal, so absolutely do not feel embarrassed.

DO RESPECT – Although at some point during your treatment you may find our thumbs firmly planted in your buttocks or using techniques that involve a lot of contact, these are strictly approved professional massage techniques, so please always be respectful with your therapist.

Follow these tips to make your massage appointment a great one, and just remember the massage is about YOU and YOUR comfort.

Thank you for reading and hope to see you in our therapy room soon.