Being aware and ‘present’ while exercising has great benefits. We tend to do anything to distract ourselves during a workout, but cutting out distractions and taking a more mindful approach to exercise can do a lot of good for your body and brain, experts say.

Mindfulness while exercising is about cultivating present moment awareness. And when we fully engage in the act of exercising, not only do we improve our physical results, but, according to research, we can also increase our appreciation and enjoyment of the experience, which could ultimately help us stay committed to a routine of exercises for a long time.

Some benefits of mindful movement:

  • Movement causes our muscles to contract and increases blood circulation and respiration.
  • Certain chemicals are released that tell our body to use stored energy.
  • Exercise also strengthens tendons, bones, muscles and ligaments.
  • Increased blood and lymphatic flow stimulates the elimination of waste products.