It’s a therapeutic massage, which has as the ultimate goal to help a woman to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is considered in traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda that many illnesses arise from unprocessed emotions. When we don’t process emotions, they get stored in the abdominal area. I massage this area, feel where energy is blocked and where the tension is, to make the muscles relax and the energy flow. Massaging the intestines helps stimulate sluggish digestion and eliminates constipation.

Ayurveda places prominence on the abdomen as it contains a great network of energy centres. Restarting the balance to this area can bring you emotional and mental health

  • Stimulates internal organs
  • Helps reduce high blood pressure
  • Helps combat oedema and constipation
  • Helps reduce stomach fat, stretch marks and flabby muscles
  • Helps bloating, aches and period pains
  • Helps to release toxins and strengthens the immune system
  • Nourishes the body
  • Encourages sleep
  • Rejuvenates the whole system
  • Improves sexual health
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Helps with IBS

£40 for 45 minutes

This massage will help you to feel good and look good.

Allow 15 Minutes either side of your treatment for pre-consultation and post-relaxation.
Please note that all the treatments at The Conscious Woman are designed primarily to relax and restore.
If you have a medical condition, you should first seek advice from your GP or a medical specialist.

IMPORTANT: Do not attend the appointment if you, or someone who lives with you, shows symptoms of Covid-19.

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